Our Goals

SKF vzw (asbl) : What does it stand for?

SKF is an abbrevation for "Studiekring Falerisitiek vzw (asbl) ", which translates into English as "Study Group for Faleristics" We have existed since 2002 as an organisation that places its main emphasis on the research of awards and decorations.

Our main goal is to disseminate well funded and well researched information about medals, awards, and decorations in Belgium. We organize meetings, speeches and the like about this Interesting subject, and we see it as our primary task to promote its research.

Our organization is unique in that we do not limit ourselves to one geographical area (for example: Belgium, United-Kingdom, USA, France, Germany, etc.). Also, every subject related to this research can be discussed (for example: Cases, award documents, historical background, etc...).

We also have one very important ground rule, which forms a basis upon which we work, namely: "
Nothing" shall be sold during an SKF vzw (asbl) meeting or the channels of communication so developed, as we feel that there are already enough well established ways to obtain such sought after items.

We meet bi-monthly and all interested persons are welcome to participate in our meetings and become a member.

We are looking forward to meet you in the near future.

Groundroules SKF vzw (asbl) in Dutch (Pdf)

Studiekring Faleristiek vzw (asbl)
association whitout pursuit of gain

N° of undertaking : 0871900452

Publikation Moniteur 15/02/2011 (Pdf)
Publication Moniteur 23/10/2009 (Pdf)
Publication Moniteur 22/11/2007 (Pdf)
Publication Moniteur 25/2/2005 (Pdf)

Seat :
Van Couwenhovelaan 25
3020 Herent